A Dream


I believe that being a Kiva Fellow will satisfy personal and professional goals, and provide me with an opportunity to learn how individuals from a different society, strive, through microfinance and small business, to create the greatest quality of life for themselves, their families and communities. I want to have the opportunity to witness how people from across the world seek such common life goals, while at the same time learn from, and contribute to, an institution that will help me attain a new level of cultural understanding, and which will lead me to my professional goal of a career in international development.

Why am I so excited about the potential of becoming a Kiva Fellow and then starting a new career? When I spent six weeks in 2006 traveling in Mozambique, my emotions were electrified, my senses were heightened, and I was curious about everything; I felt very alive. During my time there, I often contemplated what I was going to do after business school, and the vision of me working in Mozambique was a frequent occurrence. Who wouldn’t seriously consider working somewhere that made them feel so good? When I take that, and couple it with a personal philosophy that all people deserve a chance at a life that is filled with as much happiness as possible, it is clear to me that such raw emotion, and something in which I believe so deeply, should underpin my career. I believe that the Fellowship will enable me to leverage my business acumen and work with an organization that provides individuals with the opportunity to live more fulfilling and prosperous lives. From speaking with people in the development field, they believe that this experience will align perfectly with my personal philosophies and goals, and my professional skills.

I envision the Fellowship as the catalyst to a new life in which I rediscover the excitement, heightened personal awareness, and passion that I experienced in Mozambique. I believe that I have not yet maximized my professional potential because I have not felt the same level of passion for my job as I did for learning about Mozambicans and their society. If I have the opportunity to be a Kiva Fellow, it will get me closer to my career aspirations and unlock the passion and excitement that bloomed inside of me five years ago, and which I know will return to me as a Fellow.

Heading in the Right Direction


I believe that being a Kiva Fellow will satisfy personal and professional goals, and provide me with an opportunity to learn how individuals from a different society strive, through microfinance and small business, to create the greatest quality of life for themselves, their families, and communities.  I view this fellowship as a partnership.  I will share my business skills with people and organizations in need and in return, i anticipate this experience will help me attain a new level of cultural understanding.  Being a Kiva Fellow is an important step toward pursuing my goal of a career in international development.

My desire to transition into international development stems from a six week journey in Mozambique in 2006.  During that time, my emotions were electrified, my senses were heightened, and my curiosity was insatiable.  I felt more alive than any of my days working in corporate America.  While there, I often contemplated what I was going to do after business school, and imagined what life would be like working in a place like Mozambique.  Who wouldn’t seriously consider working somewhere that makes you feel so good, in a place where you can make a difference?  When I take that, and couple it with my philosophy that all people deserve a chance at a life that is filled with as much happiness as possible, it is clear to me that i must pursue a career where my passion will shine through and my skills will contribute to helping others.  I believe that the Fellowship will enable me to leverage my business acumen and work with an organization that provides individuals with the opportunity to live more fulfilling and prosperous lives.  From speaking with people in the development field, they believe that this experience will align perfectly with my personal philosophies and goals, and my professional skills.

I envision the Fellowship as the catalyst to a new chapter in which I rediscover the excitement, heightened personal awareness, and passion that I experienced in Mozambique.  I believe that I have not yet maximized my professional potential because I have not felt the same level of passion for my job as I did for learning about Mozambicans and their society.  If I have the opportunity to be a Kiva Fellow, it will propel me closer to my career aspirations and unlock the passion and excitement that bloomed inside of me five years ago, and which I know will return to me as a Fellow.